Sales Prospecting : 8 Steps to find the right customers for your business

Sales Prospecting is a core activity for small business owners to find potential lookalike customers

There is nothing more demoralizing than going through hundreds of email responses from prospects asking you to remove them from your mailing list. 😥 In this blog I will go through the steps you need to create a time efficient sales prospecting strategy for your small business. To prove this point, when 400 Sales professionals […]

Product Insights : 7 Things customers wanted to know about Prelo !

We launched Prelo in August 2021, the journey to date has been challenging but exciting. Ask any founder bootstrapping and they’ll tell you how hectic it is when you have to wear multiple hats in a Startup 🤹‍♀️ I personally did a lot of growing up in the last 3 months. Interesting story (to be […]